Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Adelaide residential rental yields above 6% in select areas.

Adelaide and South Australian real estate has again shown resilience in a tough economic climate.
If you are looking for reassurance, here are 5 solid reasons that Adelaide has again been the top performer for property investors.

1. Over the last 120 years property prices have risen on average 10% per year -despite wars, droughts, Asian meltdowns, 20% interest rates in the late 80’s, the recession we had to have etc. On a $300,000 property compounded at 10% a year the value the property would double in just 7 years that’s $42857 a year -more than some people get paid at their full time job.

2. Supply of residential housing in Australia is at an all time low, down from 17000 dwellings a month to 13000 dwellings per month and continuing to fall, with no foreseeable supply meeting demand according to the HIA (housing industry of Australia) . The calculated total undersupply right now 190,000 homes!

3. Adelaide had its biggest net population increase last year and is on track for an even bigger increase this year! People need somewhere to live!

4. Interest rates are coming down fast - which is great because…

5. Rents are going up fast - with rates coming down and rents going up there are some amazing rental yields in selected areas!

If you are looking for a well performing investment property, an addition to your existing property portfolio or a home to live in, We guarantee to save you money on your next real estate purchase. Go to , or give us a call on +61 8 84631997

1 comment:

  1. I've heard about the olympic dam mine. what other growth industries are there in SA?
